Saturday, June 13, 2009

Finally in Nepal

I arrived with Carly today. unfortunately my luggage did not. As of now I two shirts, 2 underwear and one pair of pants. great. haha Carly got a phone stolen from her bag. so those were the bad things so far. but flying in was amazing. so beautiful. we went and found a window seat just so we could look out. the hills were so green. we got picked up and driven to the house by a taxi definitely the scariest driving I have ever seen. they honk at each other so much and pass each other while a bus is coming right towards you. the volunteer house is pretty cool. the children that live here are adorable. i have not really met the house mother yet though. we went to a monastery up on top of a hill. it had a beautiful garden and tons of statues of the gods . this place reminds me a little bit of mexico, it might just be the third world thing though. its crazy busy but I am excited to get into the hospital.

im gonna go nap. so exhausted

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