Monday, June 22, 2009


Fri- Woke up at 5:30 to catch the bus. It was a tourist bus that was really big! the ride was mostly on the side of a mountain the whole time with a mile drop on the other side. At the beginning I was so scared I thought I was going to pee my pants but after like an hour I got used to it! We stopped at a few places they had so much produce for sale and fried fish on sticks so gross looking. It was deathly hot on the bus also. The only relief we got was from the breeze coming through the window which was still hot. We got there around two and found our lodge a room w/ three bunk beds. A community bathroom(pit style) no toilet paper only a brush ewww and the sink was in a different place which drained onto the floor.... not the most sanitary. o no soap either. but the two girls living in Pokarah had a room with a real toilet! and to make things even more perfect my womanness decided to join! I was not in the best of moods the first ten mins. but we went to the lake next! We rented 2 row boats and watched the beautiful sunset with all the mountains around us covered with a forest/jungle. It was breathtaking! There was a stupa on an island we visited filled with pigeons and there poop... After we hung out at the lodge. The night came with no relief of the heat there.

Sat. woke up early again Fishing time! we got the best breakfast eggs potatoes croissant and bacon! it was so good. then we rented fishing poles and row boats again and went out on the lake. After a long time Nate the only guy volunteer that came got the poles ready but then we realized the bread(our bait) was not going to work. there were water striders lily pads and beautiful scenery all over. we decided to go swimming we went into a cove with a beach and jumped in it was so refreshing since we had all not showered and it was so hot. me ruth and nate jumped off a tree a very daring stunt! then a boat of locals came and swam with us they were very nice. We went back to meet our sick friend and went shopping all day! got alot of presents for everyone and a handmade purse for myself!That night we went to a place with local dancing and got to dance with them at the end very fun!

Sun. Hike to the Peace Pagota almost killed us! it was so hot by the time we got half way up we were drenched with sweat and had ran out of water. it took 45 mins but once at the top it was worth it the view of the mountains was gorgeous and the stupa was very pretty. the hike back down with some fresh water was much better and had to get rowed across the lake. To get home we took the local bus much nicer cooler and they played nepali music the whole way! still 7 hours though!


  1. Just looked at some photos and one video of you and Nepal. Also looked on computer to find out something about Pokarab and I did. I now know why you and your friends decided to go there ---beautiful. Is it as hot a Gilbert? Maybe your dad could start an AC busines over there. Was the road as bad as Salt River Canyon between Globe and Show Low. You look great in your scrubs, but why are you glowing? Whose gall bladder hope it is not yours.Ha! Are the cattle in the picture in the pasture for eating or milking? We sure enjoy your Blog and pictures. thank you for keeping us up to date.

  2. Hey Megan,
    Sounds like great adventure. I have not seen or found the pictures yet ?? I will find them. Take care be careful.

