Thursday, June 18, 2009

Hospital time!

Wednesday was my first day in the hospital! I am in a group with two other volunteers Ruth and Joyce our first shift which last a week long is in the OBGYN and gyno ward. The room is very small and is split into two by a curtain on one side is a desk where you sit and talk and the other is a bed where pelvic exams are performed. We saw a woman with her bladder wall weakening and coming out when she sat down so she was having pain. A common thing we have seen is cervicitis and vaginitis. Also alot of pregnant woman getting checkups. Today there were two woman that needed abortions. We watched one be performed. The fetus had not moved and no heartbeat was found at 8 weeks, it was not alive. It was so hard to watch because the woman was conscious the whole entire time and was crying because she wanted the baby so bad. There was also a woman who had taken homeopathic medicine to induce an abortion but it had not worked and they did not know if there were side effects that had harmed the fetus. There is absolutely no privacy laws in these hospitals when the doctor is with a patient another patient will come in and listen to the whole conversation at any times. It is crazy. Also I got to meet the doctor that started the hospital. Dr. Gupta he is a nice guy that likes to joke alot. He showed us how to take blood pressure which I could not hear!! and to test for edema(swelling). Last he showed us a cat scan of a mans brain that had hemorrhage(stroke) the man had a weakened left side and had slurred speech it was just like the movies.

Food- our house food is sometimes american sometimes nepali. My favorite thing to get at restaurants is momos which are like dumplings usually with buffalo meet which is actually pretty good and I also had yak cheese! Also the fried rice and chowmein are very yummy! there are lots of mangos and water melon.

Weather- HOT HOT HOT!! no rain at all yet. i havnt even gotten to use my raincoat... but i think soon it will start.

love love love you. if you have anymore questions just leave a comment for me!


  1. i'm so proud of you homegirl. good blog... the buffalo meat sounds bomb.
    love Katie

  2. Do you have chicken eggs to eat? Could you tell which mt. was everest? Any citrus to eat or apples, pears or bannanas? Are the buffaloes H20 type? Pretty calm here--a little rain shower and a lot of pretty clouds. Clouds keep it cool.Will probably see your mom and dad this weekend. You probably remembered it is fathers day this Sunday.

  3. sooo cool meggles, you have a very strong stomach day-um.
    oh and can i just say that was not my mama typing that comment she left you a little below lol .
    so glad youre learning a lot of cool stuff and things are good i looove you

  4. Sounds like you're having a wonderful adventure Megan and I'm sure you're learning alot! It'll sure give you an appreciation for living in the USA!!! It's hard to believe things can be so different in other parts of the world. Love ya lots,
